Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Final Exam

4. This photograph I took had changed the way I had viewed photography, since the four people that are in this poster were from a different photograph, in which I had cropped out the background. This was also my decisive photograph. Then, I had moved these four people onto the poster board as well as adding some word to the poster board making it an advertisement. 

5. Shapes have only two dimensions, and they are height and width. Forms can exist in three dimensions, which are height, width, and depth.  

6. Repetition usually refers to something that is repeated only once or twice, whereas a pattern refers to something or many things that are repeated several times in the same order over and over again. 

7. This photograph relates to movement, because as you look at the tree in the center, you automatically see the small building to the left, as your eyes move you towards that location in this photograph. 

8. http://karpalphotographer.blogspot.com/2015/05/photo-story.html

I believe this would be my best work based on my last three projects, since I had a lot of information to say about each of the five photographs, and it even brought back family memories that I had around one week before this school year started. Besides, it was one of my favorite trips that I had ever gone on. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

Final Photo Story

I will be talking about a drive I took down to Big Sur back in the Memorial Three Day Weekend last year.

This is a photograph of a road near Big Sur I was near. I really like how the road becomes uphill and it turns to the right making me curious of where it leads to. 

This is a photograph of a blue sports utility vehicle I took at the same location of where I took the first photograph. I also own a blue sports utility vehicle, but that is Hyundai Veracruz, and I am not sure what model or make this car was, but my car was a paler shade of blue. 

This is me at Pfeiffer Beach, which also has a stream that runs though it and connects to the Pacific Ocean. The waves at this beach are intense, but they usually hit the rocks only. I took a photograph of how the ocean looks like from the beach itself. 

This is a photograph I took of some beaches from a higher altitude. Some of the beaches here at not public beaches, so people are not allowed to trespass into them. These beaches might be those private beaches that restrict visitors from going to them. 

This is a photograph I took of a boat that is near a rock. I can also see the waves behind the boat, since when the boat goes at high speed, it causes waves from the back. I took this at the same location as I did for the fourth photograph. The texture of the ocean is also visible from this altitude. 

Friday, May 29, 2015

Student Website Reviews


Period 2

I like how this photo was taken as if the baseball is a giant. 

Period 3

I like how this photo was taken, since it shows a very vivid description of the butterfly drinking the nectar. 

Period 4 

I like how this picture was taken, since it shows a panorama of the beach and the rest of the island in addition to the front of the boat he stood on when he took this photo.  

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Photo Story

The first picture is of the sunset I took at a beach club in Kona. Since, the time in Kona is three hours behind the time in Fremont, the sunset happened only a couple of hours after landing at Kona. 

The second picture represents a sacred historical park that I visited with my family the next day. This shows an ancient game that resembles a board game. 

The third picture is of me going to South Point later on that day. This is a popular site, where there is a site for jumping off a cliff for a forty-foot dive into the Pacific Ocean. I did not do that, since I just went snorkeling earlier, and I did not bring a spare pair of swimming trunks, and plus, the cliff was pretty rocky, and I could not afford to get injured during this trip. 

This fourth picture is of me at the top of Kilauea, one of the five main volcanoes in the Big Island. It is close to Hilo, and its summit is at an elevation of 4,091 feet. It is an active volcano, but luckily it was not expected to erupt at that time, though there was dried up lava from an earlier eruption from this volcano nearby that was another tourist attraction. 

This fifth picture is of me on the Mauna Kea, which is a dormant shield volcano, and it has an observatory. Its summit is the highest point in the state of Hawaii, and it is the tallest mountain in the world when it also includes its underwater base, which extends to around 20,000 feet below sea level, thus making its overall height of it 33,000 feet, thus making it the tallest mountain in the world. However, since its summit is only at 13,796 feet, Mount Everest surpasses it. The mountain in the distance is the Mauna Loa, which is the largest mountain in the world, but its summit is 150 feet lower than that of the Mauna Kea. it extends up to 16,000 feet below sea level, so it would not be taller than Mauna Kea either way. This is also another shield volcano, but it is an active one. 


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Photoshoot with Backdrop

After Editing

Before Editing

I took a picture of James, who was wearing his hood in front of a colorful background. 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Second Personal Story

    The Honda is one of my favorite makes of cars. My favorite Honda model is the Civic. It is because it is a strong car, which is why I own two different models of the Civic. I had owned a really old Civic car twenty years ago, until it had a bad smell. Also, I like cars that have short names, because then, it is usually easier to say them, and it takes less time to write the names. This car reminds me of the Toyota Camry, and I did own a Toyota four years ago. This would be my favorite car, though it could be troublesome to seat up to four passengers in this car, since the two Hondas and Hyundai I have seat up to four or five passengers. I took this picture one night at a Honda dealership in Sunnyvale.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Multicultural Week

    Multicultural week is a yearly tradition in our school, which helps share the cultures of the world with the rest of that school for one week. People dress up in traditional clothing, and during lunchtime from Monday through Thursday, they serve traditional foods at the Horseshoe parking lot whenever the weather is fine, except once or twice last year, when it was raining, they had the food stands all over the quad and the area between the gym and locker rooms. On Fridays, they have an assembly, in which, people perform in different groups to do different traditional performances that match those from other countries all over the world. This typically happens in April usually before spring break ever happens, but this year, since spring break was on the first week of April, they had multicultural week the week after spring break. Because of all this, the five days in multicultural week do not follow the normal, typical daily school bell schedule. The periods are typically shorter, except on Friday, third period is longer, because that is when the assembly happens, but there is no read on either of these days, and from Monday through Friday, the break is one minute shorter. However, it is a pretty fun week, and the food they serve may be slightly overpriced, but at least they taste pretty good. This year, however, instead of paying cash directly to the stands, they make us exchange one buck per ticket, and pay using those tickets.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Shutter Speed and Everything After

1. It is fast, because the trucks are already driving at a fast speed on a highway.
2. I think there is the rule of depth in this picture, since it shows a segment under the highway that shows ground at a lower altitude.
3. I would choose texture, since it shows the textures of the asphalt of the road with all the white spots and the rocky surface. I can ever see the texture of the grass at the very bottom under the highway.
4. I would choose repetition, since it shows three trucks, so that means it shows that is repeating each truck.


Shutter Speed: 1/120 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


This is a picture of a boy doing a somersault, which involves motion. A part of this picture was cropped. 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Principles of Design-Variety

This picture shows variety, since there are a variety of colors, as well as a variety of shapes and objects. This was not edited. 

Picture that Shows the Best Unity in the Lens Blog Post "Documenting the Blues in the Mississippi Delta"

    I think that the Picture 22 in the lens blog post "Documenting the Blues in the Mississippi Delta" shows the best unity compared to the other twenty-one pictures in that blog post, since the whole picture is all black and white. Also, it only shows Joe Cole holding an acoustic guitar in Coahoma County, Mississippi in 2001. A third things is that Joe Cole is only holding a guitar.

Principles of Design-Unity

This shows unity, considering that the whole picture shows different shades of only brown or gray, which are two colors that are similar in a lot of ways. This was not edited. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Principles of Art-Rhythm

This picture shows rhythm from the red bars of this cargo container.  This was not edited. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Half Past Autumn: Gordon Parks

1. My definition of success is when I am fully happy.
2. I have given up some of the things I enjoy doing outdoors as well as some time to spend with my family.
3. He made a sacrifice a lot of his free time as well as the money he was offered.
4. Genevieve Young's father was Richard A. Gillon.
5. He was really skilled.
6. He was offered a fortune.
7. His goal was not to earn the money.
8. It tells the story of a young African American growing up in rural Kansas when racial discrimination was a social norm.
9. He is a fictional character that sort of represents an African American version of James Bond.
10. "It is not you, it is me".
11. It was "American Playhouse".
12. He was Gordon Park's son.
13. They all seem to be equally my favorite.
14. I will remember that he was a photographer.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Principles of Art-Proportion

This picture shows the proportion of the sticks and the dimensions of the boards advertising the campaign for whoever is running for the student elections. This was not edited. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Principles of Art-Movement

When looking at the trees, you can suddenly see the small building to the left.  This was not edited. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Elements of Art-Emphasis

This shows the emphasis of seeing the top of a very tall bell tower. This was not edited. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Elements of Art-Balance

There is a balance between the white space of this building and the brown space on the right side of this building. This was not edited. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Elements of Art-Texture

This pine cone shows a huge amount of texture when I examine it very closely. This was not edited. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Elements of Art-Color

There are different shades of green from the lower plants between these two small palm trees. This was not edited. 

Elements of Art-Space

There is a huge amount of empty space to the right of this rosebush. This was not edited. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Elements of Art-Form

All the leaves of this tree follow a particular form. This did not have to be edited.

Half Past Autumn-Gordon Parks Part 1

1. He was born on November 30, 1912.
2. He was born in Fort Scott, Kansas.
3. She told him that his desire to go to college would be a waste of money.
4. He was fourteen years old.
5. He was sent to live with his relatives.
6. No, he did not.
7. It was when the photography clerks who developed his first roll of film applauded him and prompted him to seek a fashion assignment at a women's clothing store.
8. It is a technique that combines two different images into one single image.
9. He was the World Heavyweight Champion from 1937 to 1949, and he is considered to be one of the greatest heavyweights of all time.
10. He played the piano.
11. It was to combat rural poverty during the Depression.
12. It was to take pictures like the American Gothic.
13. She was a pioneer of Wyoming who become erroneously known as Cattle Kate, a post-claimed outlaw of the Old West.
14. It was Gordon's imagination.
15. There were many things.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Elements of Art-Lines

This picture shows a plant which has lines pointing different directions. I did not need to edit this. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Movie Monday-The Photo League

1. It was to struggle against and expose reactionary film; to produce documentary films reflecting the lives and struggles of the American workers, and to spread and popularize the great artistic and revolutionary Soviet productions.
2. It separated from Frontier Films.
3. It was another name for a gathering of photographers and an exhibit.
4. It was taught by the Kanaga.
5. No such project exits.
6. It was a portrait portraying the Black urban America and their cultures, lifestyles, and people in Harlem during the 1930s. 
7. Aaron Siskind started the Harlem Document.
8. Pablo Picasso was the painter.
9. It looked surreal.
10. Lewis Hine was an American sociologist and photographer. He is significant for notable photographs such as Breaker Boys from 1910 and Stream Fitter from 1920.
11. Weegee was a street photographer.
12. They were trying to focus on the war.
13. Their focus changed after the war ended.
14. He started being optimistic.
15. It is a bimonthly American magazine.
16. She was the co-founder for the photography magazine Aperture. She took pictures of modern dancers.
17. It was when Angela Calamaris, an FBI informer, had to force the members to disband the Photo League, since she found out it was related to a Communist Party.
18. Angela Calamaris accused the League of communism.
19. Louis Streffer was agreeing to serve as president when the League was under investigation.
20. The League disbanded in 1951.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Album Poster Cover

This is my recreation of the album cover for the Beatles performing at the Shea Stadium. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Period 1-Semester Final

1. My favorite photograph from that Lens slideshow is the third picture. Three reasons why it is my favorite photograph from that particular Lens slideshow is because there is color everywhere, I could see a lot of texture, and the photographer was capable of taking a picture of Barack Obama, which means he did ask for permission before taking the picture. Some other additional reasons why this would be my favorite photograph is that it looks so modern, and the photographer was able to actually get permission to get into the private property of the White House as it is usually restricted to just past the surrounding gates of the White House.

2. The ninth photograph in that Lens show is the best photograph. This is because the photographer had managed to have texture in the picture he took, he was capable of taking a proper picture in the fog that could still make the deer and the bird visible, and he was capable of showing the bushes from the distance, which takes a lot of great talent. Some other reasons why it is the best picture is because the rule of depth is also being applied as there seems to be some depth perception between the deer and the bushes in the background. Another thing is that the bushes in the background look black because of the fog in the dark, but the leaves of the tree really close have the greenish color visible.

3. My best work from this semester would be my album cover. This was my best work, since I did a lot of editing for this picture, the banana in the front looks like it is closer than the bananas in the back, and I added a turquoise background all over the picture, and made the bananas in the back have a small turquoise color. I might have probably found a good way to add some relevant words to the album cover to make it match the original album cover if I did have more time, so that it would be as both the album cover I had created and the original album cover would have a bunch of great similarities. My link to the blog is http://karpalphotographer.blogspot.com/.

4. My three rules of photography composition are the rule of background, the rule of depth, and the rule of thirds.


This picture above illustrates me of using two of my three selected rules of photography composition. The two rules of photography composition I have used in this photograph above is the rule of thirds and the rule of background though in my blog post, I have mentioned it only for my rule of thirds. My rule of depth is also being used in this picture above. The rule of background shows the tree as well as the wall in the distance. The rule of depth shows this walkway between the plants to the left of it as well as the dirt to the right of it, which also explains my rule of thirds, which shows the proportion between the plants, walkway, and the dirt. 

6. It would be The Rule of Thirds. 

7. The benefits of working in groups are that it would be faster, more efficient, and more progressive. Also, I can make new friends with the people whom I am in a group with, and I can learn about them and their personal lives. Also, I can rely on them sometimes whenever their help is really necessary, and I can ask them for help whenever it is necessary. Also, I can share my ideas with them, and in return, they will share their ideas with me, and of course, they will share their ideas with each other. I can also learn from them how they manage to do a task that I am not capable of accomplishing, and I can also teach them how to accomplish a task I am capable of accomplishing. 

8. The difficulties of working in groups are that it can be hard to adjust to people that I do not know, and for them to adjust to me. It can be hard to gain their trust as well as them gaining my trust, since I could be suspicious of my group members, and they could also be suspicious of me. Also, whenever I am in a group, I would have to find an idea that all my other group members would agree with, and that can be hard if we all have different interests. Another thing that could make my group waste time is if I have a member in my group that is not cooperating and doing his part like he is supposed to do in order for the group to function properly. 

9. My favorite project produced my another person would be the Masters of Photography Project of Eugene Atget by James Qiao. I was also working with him on this project in December. It would be because his pictures match the original pictures a lot, and he found a lot of original pictures that were unique, and the coloring was suitable. He was even posting the original picture to the way it was before editing it before actually editing it, and he was even Eugene Atget's pictures to show which photographs of what the edited pictures were based on. The link to it is:   http://jamesqiao.blogspot.com/.       

10. Eugene Atget was the master photographer whom I was studying about for my Masters of Photography Project back in December, and I was reproducing his work for the project by recreating five of his pictures to match what Eugene Atget would have taken when he was still alive. He was contributing to the world by sharing his interests and taking photographs of all the things he saw in his life, so people later on would remember what he was thinking about, and what he was interested in. He was also publishing his pictures, as that was how people later on found about his photographs, which then made him a famous photographer. 

11. Her most popular photograph was the "Migrant Mother", which was taken in Nipomo, California in 1936. She was employed for the Resettlement Administration when she took that photograph in 1936. 

12. The Life Magazine was first published in 1936.

13. Elvis Presley was born in January 8, 1935. 

14. Robert Capa had founded Magnum Photos, and it had started in 1947. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Album Cover

I have recreated a new album cover for the Banana Album by the Velvet Background. This new edited picture involves two original pictures. The banana in the front was from a different picture added to this picture, and I put a blue background by editing on Adobe Photoshop. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Masters of Photography Project Reflection

1. My project represents my work as a student, because it shows that I did research on the photographer in order to take pictures based on the pictures the photographer took.

2. Once I took Digital Photography Class, I had realized that professional photographers use programs such as Adobe Photoshop to edit the pictures they had taken in order to make them high quality.

3. The benefits of working with a group are that the progress towards an important goal will increase faster, and group activity is more efficient than working solo, and I can collaborate with people, or make new friends if my group members are new people.

4. Some disadvantages of working in a group is that sometimes one group member may not get to do something he or she would want to do, since he or she would have to agree with the other group members in order to make progress.

5. I would probably have my group members label which picture is whose before using them, just in case people forget who had taken the pictures.

6. No. This is basically my complete reflection of my Masters of Photography group project.